
I’m Omri Bahumi, a 26 year old male from Tel-Aviv, Israel.
I work at EverythingMe since November 2012 as a DevOps engineer.

The purpose of this blog is writing about the interesting things I come across during my work and my personal (technical) life, some of these stuff include:

  1. Cisco equipment (switches, routers, firewalls)
  2. Computer networking in general
  3. Cellular networking in the GPRS/UMTS world
  4. Java+Android/Python/PHP/C development
  5. Linux hacking (not in the bad way, read this post for better understanding)
  6. Arduino
  7. Amazon Web Services (mostly EC2 and VPC)

I have no degree nor any other formal certification. Everything I know I learned/discovered on my own (with some assistance from IRC, books, and Google).

My first encounter with a computer was when I was about 6 years old, navigating through MS-DOS with simple commands such as cd/dir. Later on that was replaced with Norton Commander.
Around the age of 7 I learned how to install Windows 95 by myself (including the boot diskette part, fdisk for partitioning).
By the age of 10 we got our first internet connection at home, and I began wandering around IRC with mIRC.

Around age 12 I started scripting mIRC, this was my first exposure to computer programming (a rather silly one, but still).
Even though it is a pretty primitive scripting engine, I got a lot out of it.
One of the peaks was writing a simple web server to serve my school lessons timetable through HTTP, highlighting the current class lesson in bold.

About a year later I started programming with Visual Basic 6 and a year after that, began my long way with Linux (RedHat 6.2, Peter Norton’s book – Hebrew translation).

This is my life in a nutshell, there were many other things along this path I chose. My military duty service was focused on networking (which before that, my knowledge was only basic).

Hope you’ll have fun reading this blog as much as I’ll have fun writing it,

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